StateElements: state_elements


class rafcon.core.state_elements.data_flow.DataFlow(from_state=None, from_key=None, to_state=None, to_key=None, data_flow_id=None, parent=None, safe_init=True)

Bases: rafcon.core.state_elements.state_element.StateElement

A class for representing a data flow connection in the state machine

It inherits from Observable to make a change of its fields observable.

  • DataFlow.from_state (str) – the id of the source state of the data flow connection

  • DataFlow.to_state (str) – the id of the target state of the data flow connection

  • DataFlow.from_key (int) – the id of the data port / scoped variable of the source state

  • DataFlow.to_key (int) – the id of the data port /scoped variable of the target state

  • DataFlow.data_flow_id (int) – the id of the data port, must be unique for the parent state

  • StateElement.parent (rafcon.core.states.container_state.ContainerState) – reference to the parent state

property data_flow_id

Property for the _data_flow_id field

classmethod from_dict(dictionary)

Abstract method

This method must be implemented by the deriving classes. It must return an object of type cls, created from the parameters defined in dictionary. The type of cls is the type of the class the method is called on.


dictionary (dict) – A Python dict with all parameters needed for creating an object of type cls


An instance of cls

Return type


property from_key

Property for the _from_key field

property from_state

Property for the _from_state field

property state_element_id

Returns the id of the state element

static state_element_to_dict(state_element)
property to_key

Property for the _to_key field

property to_state

Property for the _to_state field


class rafcon.core.state_elements.data_port.DataPort(name=None, data_type=None, default_value=None, data_port_id=None, parent=None, force_type=False, init_without_default_value_type_exceptions=False, safe_init=True)

Bases: rafcon.core.state_elements.state_element.StateElement

A class for representing a data ports in a state

  • (str) – the name of the data port

  • DataPort.data_type (type) – the value type of the data port can be handed as convertible str too

  • DataPort.default_value – the default value of the data port

  • data_port_id (int) – the id of the data port, must be unique for the parent state

  • StateElement.parent (rafcon.core.states.state.State) – reference to the parent state

  • DataPort.force_type (bool) – if true the DataPort type exception is not raised while initiation (backward compatibility)

  • DataPort.init_without_default_value_type_exceptions (bool) – if true it is allowed to initiate with any default value type used to load not matching default value data types and correct them using the GUI.

check_default_value(default_value, data_type=None)

Check whether the passed default value suits to the passed data type. If no data type is passed, the data type of the data port is used. If the default value does not fit, an exception is thrown. If the default value is of type string, it is tried to convert that value to the data type.

  • default_value – The default value to check

  • data_type – The data type to use


exceptions.AttributeError – if check fails


The converted default value

property data_port_id

Property for the _data_port_id field

property data_type

Property for the _data_type field

property default_value

Property for the _default_value field

classmethod from_dict(dictionary)

Abstract method

This method must be implemented by the deriving classes. It must return an object of type cls, created from the parameters defined in dictionary. The type of cls is the type of the class the method is called on.


dictionary (dict) – A Python dict with all parameters needed for creating an object of type cls


An instance of cls

Return type


property name

Property for the _name field

property state_element_id

Returns the id of the state element

static state_element_to_dict(state_element)
class rafcon.core.state_elements.data_port.InputDataPort(name=None, data_type=None, default_value=None, data_port_id=None, parent=None, force_type=False, init_without_default_value_type_exceptions=False, safe_init=True)

Bases: rafcon.core.state_elements.data_port.DataPort

class rafcon.core.state_elements.data_port.OutputDataPort(name=None, data_type=None, default_value=None, data_port_id=None, parent=None, force_type=False, init_without_default_value_type_exceptions=False, safe_init=True)

Bases: rafcon.core.state_elements.data_port.DataPort

Logical Ports

class rafcon.core.state_elements.logical_port.Income(parent=None, safe_init=True)

Bases: rafcon.core.state_elements.logical_port.LogicalPort

A class for representing an income of a state

There can only be one Income within a state, which is why no income_id is required.


StateElement.parent (rafcon.core.states.state.State) – reference to the parent state

classmethod from_dict(dictionary)

Abstract method

This method must be implemented by the deriving classes. It must return an object of type cls, created from the parameters defined in dictionary. The type of cls is the type of the class the method is called on.


dictionary (dict) – A Python dict with all parameters needed for creating an object of type cls


An instance of cls

Return type


property state_element_id

Always returns 0

Only required for consistent handling of all state elements.



static state_element_to_dict(state_element)
class rafcon.core.state_elements.logical_port.LogicalPort(parent=None, safe_init=True)

Bases: rafcon.core.state_elements.state_element.StateElement

Base class for the logical ports

class rafcon.core.state_elements.logical_port.Outcome(outcome_id=None, name=None, parent=None, safe_init=True)

Bases: rafcon.core.state_elements.logical_port.LogicalPort

A class for representing an outcome of a state

As the name of an outcome can be changes without modifying the transitions the primary key of an outcome is its id and not its name.

  • Outcome.outcome_id (int) – the id of the outcome, must be unique on one hierarchy level

  • (str) – the human readable name of the outcome

  • StateElement.parent (rafcon.core.states.state.State) – reference to the parent state

classmethod from_dict(dictionary)

Abstract method

This method must be implemented by the deriving classes. It must return an object of type cls, created from the parameters defined in dictionary. The type of cls is the type of the class the method is called on.


dictionary (dict) – A Python dict with all parameters needed for creating an object of type cls


An instance of cls

Return type


property name

Returns the Outcome’s name

property outcome_id

Returns the outcome_id

property state_element_id

Returns the id of the state element

static state_element_to_dict(state_element)

Scope (State Element)

class rafcon.core.state_elements.scope.ScopedData(name, value, value_type, from_state, data_port_type, parent=None, safe_init=True)

Bases: rafcon.core.state_elements.state_element.StateElement

A class for representing scoped data of a container state

It inherits from Observable to make a change of its fields observable.

  • (str) – the name of the scoped data

  • ScopedData.from_state (str) – the state_id of the state that wrote to the scoped data last

  • value_type (type) – specifies the type of self._value; the setter of __value will only allow assignments that satisfies the data_type constraint

  • value – the current value of the scoped data

  • data_port_type – the type of the data port that wrote to the scoped data last

  • timestamp (str) – the timestamp when the scoped data was written to last

property data_port_type

Property for the _data_port_type field

classmethod from_dict(dictionary)

Abstract method

This method must be implemented by the deriving classes. It must return an object of type cls, created from the parameters defined in dictionary. The type of cls is the type of the class the method is called on.


dictionary (dict) – A Python dict with all parameters needed for creating an object of type cls


An instance of cls

Return type


property from_state

Property for the _from_state field

property name

Property for the _name field

property state_element_id

Returns the id of the state element

static state_element_to_dict(state_element)
property timestamp

Property for the _timestamp field

property value

Property for the _value field

property value_type

Property for the _value_type field

class rafcon.core.state_elements.scope.ScopedVariable(name=None, data_type=None, default_value=None, scoped_variable_id=None, parent=None, safe_init=True)

Bases: rafcon.core.state_elements.data_port.DataPort

A class for representing a scoped variable in a container state

It inherits from the DataPort class as it needs exactly the same class fields. It inherits from Observable to make a change of its fields observable.

  • (str) – the name of the scoped variable

  • DataPort.data_type (type) – specifies the type of the scoped variable (data port); the setter of _value will only allow assignments that satisfies the type constraint

  • DataPort.default_value – specifies the default value of the scoped variable (data port)

  • scoped_variable_id (int) – the id of the scoped variable (see DataPort.data_port_id), must be unique for the parent state

  • StateElement.parent (rafcon.core.states.container_state.ContainerState) – reference to the parent state

classmethod from_dict(dictionary)

Abstract method

This method must be implemented by the deriving classes. It must return an object of type cls, created from the parameters defined in dictionary. The type of cls is the type of the class the method is called on.


dictionary (dict) – A Python dict with all parameters needed for creating an object of type cls


An instance of cls

Return type


static state_element_to_dict(state_element)

Generate a time stamp for the current time as integer in micro. :return:


class rafcon.core.state_elements.transition.Transition(from_state, from_outcome, to_state, to_outcome, transition_id, parent=None, safe_init=True)

Bases: rafcon.core.state_elements.state_element.StateElement

A class for representing a transition in the state machine

It inherits from Observable to make a change of its fields observable.

Raises an exceptions.TypeError if the transition_id is not of type int.

  • transition_id (int) – the id of the transition, must be unique for the parent state

  • Transition.from_state (str) – the source state of the transition

  • Transition.from_outcome (int) – the outcome of the source state

  • Transition.to_state (str) – the target state of the transition

  • Transition.to_outcome (int) – the outcome of the target state

  • StateElement.parent (rafcon.core.states.container_state.ContainerState) – reference to the parent state

classmethod from_dict(dictionary)

Abstract method

This method must be implemented by the deriving classes. It must return an object of type cls, created from the parameters defined in dictionary. The type of cls is the type of the class the method is called on.


dictionary (dict) – A Python dict with all parameters needed for creating an object of type cls


An instance of cls

Return type


property from_outcome

Property for the _from_outcome field

property from_state

Property for the _from_state field

property state_element_id

Returns the id of the state element

static state_element_to_dict(state_element)
property to_outcome

Property for the to_outcome field

property to_state

Property for the _to_state field

property transition_id

Property for the _transition_id field


class rafcon.core.state_elements.state_element.StateElement(parent=None, safe_init=True)

Bases:, yaml.YAMLObject, jsonconversion.jsonobject.JSONObject, rafcon.utils.hashable.Hashable

A abstract base class for all elements of a state (ports, connections)

It inherits from Observable to make a change of its fields observable. It also inherits from YAMLObject, in order to store/load it as YAML file.

It raises an exceptions.NotImplementedError if the type of the class instance is type(self).


StateElement.parent (rafcon.core.states.state.State) – Parent state of the state element

property core_element_id

Returns the id of the state element

classmethod from_dict(dictionary)

Abstract method

This method must be implemented by the deriving classes. It must return an object of type cls, created from the parameters defined in dictionary. The type of cls is the type of the class the method is called on.


dictionary (dict) – A Python dict with all parameters needed for creating an object of type cls


An instance of cls

Return type


property parent

Getter for the parent state of the state element


None if parent is not defined, else the parent state

Return type


property state_element_id

Returns the id of the state element

static state_element_to_dict(state_element)

Abstract method

This method must be implemented by the deriving classes. It must return a Python dict with all parameters of self, which are needed to create a copy of self.


A Python dict with all needed parameters of self

Return type



Should be implemented by derived classes to update the hash with their data fields


obj_hash – The hash object (see Python hashlib)