Building the documentation ========================== The documentation is written in the reStructuredText markup language and resides in the `doc` folder. It contains instructions to parse the source code to also include the documentation about the API. If you want to build the documentation as HTML page, you have to run `sphinx`. This can either be done with the provided PyCharm run configuration `Build Documentation` or manually in the console: .. code:: bash $ cd /path/to/rafcon/repository $ sphinx-build -b html doc build_doc This will build the documentation in the `build_doc` folder. Pass `-b pdf` to generate a PDF instead of a HTML page. If you want to clean the RAFCON directory /install/directory/rafcon from any build/installation artifacts, you can do so with: .. code-block:: bash cd /install/directory/rafcon rm -r build/ build_doc/ .eggs/ .cache/